What You Should Know and Consider While Redeeming a Mutual Fund
Mutual funds have become increasingly popular investment vehicles, offering the potential for growth and diversification. As an investor, you may have experienced the satisfaction of seeing your investments grow over time. However, there may come a time when you need to redeem your mutual fund holdings. It is crucial to thoroughly understand the factors involved […]

Decode Rupee Cost Averaging (RCA) and Value Averaging: Strategies for Long-Term Investing
Investing in the financial market can be daunting, with its inherent volatility and uncertainty. Many investors are unsure how to navigate the market’s ups and downs and make sound investment decisions. The temptation to time the market, that is, to buy or sell investments based on short-term market fluctuations, can be powerful. However, timing the […]

Smart Investing: The Impact of Mutual Fund Fees on Your Investments
When investing in an Indian mutual fund, you combine your funds with other investors to purchase a diverse portfolio of securities that a mutual fund company manages. As with any service-based business, mutual fund companies charge fees for managing the portfolio, including fund management fees, registrar fees, agent commissions, and marketing expenses. These charges are […]

Debt Mutual Funds in 2023: Tax Changes and Impact on Investors
The Union Budget 2023 brought some significant changes to the taxation of investments in Debt Mutual Funds (DMFs) in India. Earlier for Debt MFs held for over 3 years, investors were liable to be taxed at 20% with indexation benefits. Starting from 1-Apr-2023, incremental investments made in Debt Mutual Funds with less than 35% domestic […]

How to Choose the Right Mutual Funds: Important Considerations
Investing in mutual funds has become increasingly popular among High Net Worth Individuals (HNIs) and seasoned investors in India. However, with a plethora of mutual fund schemes available, it can be daunting to select the right one. It is essential to understand that choosing the category and the scheme of a mutual fund are two […]

Understanding Exit Load in Mutual Funds: What Investors Need to Know
When investing in mutual funds, it’s important to understand the concept of exit load. This is a fee that some mutual fund companies charge investors when they redeem or sell their units within a certain period of time after the initial investment. The purpose of this fee is to discourage short-term or speculative investments and […]

Investing in direct equity? Ask these questions
The simplest definition of shares of a company is “ownership.” Anytime an investor purchases stock in a company, they automatically acquire a stake in that company. As a result, you are referred to as an equity shareholder in the business. Given that you possess the company’s stock (shares), you are qualified to share in its […]

Avoid Common Asset Allocation Mistakes for Sound Investing
Every investor typically takes a different approach when it comes to mapping their financial goals based on their investment horizon and risk tolerance. To create the ideal investment portfolio and maximize returns, thorough market research is necessary to comprehend the performance of various assets. Efficient planning and forecasting market direction are essential to ensure you […]

Choosing between Mutual Funds and Direct Stocks
There are many fundamental differences between stocks and mutual funds in the world of investing. The investment style and management of the two instruments vary, starting with the risks involved and ROIs. You should exercise caution as a knowledgeable investor and be aware of these distinctions before making an investment decision. Being a shareholder entails […]

4 reasons why people don’t buy stocks?
Since the stock market was first introduced to the Indian economy, there have been persistent feelings of fear, reluctance, and ignorance about it by some individual investors. When it comes to purchasing stocks, there are some preconceived notions, such as “They are only for elite industrialists and HNIs alone.” The issue with this viewpoint is […]