
Why is “Time in the Market” better than “Timing the Market”?

A "buy low, sell high" approach is frequently related to timing the market. An investor might decide to sell shares of their equity investments, for instance, to protect a gain or avoid a loss if they thought the stock market was due for a correction. The distinction between investing and speculating can be made by [...]

By |2022-10-18T11:33:56+05:30October 18th, 2022|All, Markets|Comments Off on Why is “Time in the Market” better than “Timing the Market”?

Lanka’s downfall and personal financial mismanagement – Drawing parallels

Sad to see how Sri Lanka's current situation has evolved. The governments that once held power made numerous errors in economic mismanagement over the years, which led to the current economic crisis that grew and intensified into this catastrophe. While there are many lessons that the Indian government can learn from the developing economic [...]

By |2022-08-09T06:22:27+05:30August 9th, 2022|All, Markets|Comments Off on Lanka’s downfall and personal financial mismanagement – Drawing parallels

Economic Bubble – Explained!

The size of a soap bubble is dependent on the amount of air it envelopes. The more air blown in, the larger the surface of the bubble grows. Until it reaches its limits of expansion and then… POP! Much like the construct of a soap bubble is the ‘Asset Bubble’. This could be a [...]

By |2022-06-13T12:33:14+05:30June 13th, 2022|All, Markets|Comments Off on Economic Bubble – Explained!

How Your Financial Plan Can Change Your Childs Future

Creating a secure financial future for your children and dependents is one of the most important aspects of personal financial planning. It is essential to plan ahead and invest in your child's future. You should start early so that your child has a solid financial foundation that is not debt-ridden when they are ready [...]

By |2022-06-06T11:02:37+05:30June 6th, 2022|All, Behaviour Finance, Financial Planning, Markets, Personal Finance|Comments Off on How Your Financial Plan Can Change Your Childs Future

The History of Inflation in India: A Glimpse into Investment Decisions

Today, surging high petroleum and LPG gas prices top the list of topics in a conversation. Consumers are having a hard time digesting the steep increase in the cost of essential commodities, which goes up year by year. Unfortunately, inflation saw a new high post-pandemic. The RBI’s indication to shift the focus towards mitigating the [...]

By |2022-05-23T08:37:01+05:30May 23rd, 2022|All, Markets|Comments Off on The History of Inflation in India: A Glimpse into Investment Decisions

Interest Rates, Inflation, and the Debt Markets – The Interplay

Central banks across the globe are established to stabilize economic activity and promote prosperity. One of the ways they do this is by controlling the rates by which banks borrow money from other large banks to access cash and further lend in the local market. These central banks then loan this money at higher [...]

By |2022-05-09T10:18:49+05:30May 9th, 2022|All, Markets|Comments Off on Interest Rates, Inflation, and the Debt Markets – The Interplay

Can equities hedge inflation?

What is inflation? Inflation is defined as an increase in the price of goods and services over time, devaluing the currency's buying power. Inflation can be broadly defined under two categories: Demand-pull inflation - Excessive cash flow in an economy nudges an increase in demand for goods or services while production capacity for these [...]

By |2022-02-11T11:25:11+05:30February 11th, 2022|All, Markets|Comments Off on Can equities hedge inflation?

Is it wise to invest in residential real estate as an investment?

India is among the top 10 price-appreciating housing markets internationally.- IBEF Thanks to urbanization and growing household incomes, India is witnessing a steady rise in demand for residential properties. According to statistics, Bengaluru, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Goa, and Pune are hot property investment destinations for NRIs. Low home loan interest rates are expected to boost the [...]

By |2021-12-10T13:45:55+05:30December 10th, 2021|All, Markets|Comments Off on Is it wise to invest in residential real estate as an investment?

Macro based investing: What, How & Where?

Look before you leap. We are all aware of the importance of studying the market before we commit to making any investments. In this article, we will take a look at an alternative approach to timing the market. We will explore Macro Investing and how it differs from the conventional bottom-up approach to investing. [...]

By |2021-11-18T12:55:02+05:30November 18th, 2021|All, Markets|Comments Off on Macro based investing: What, How & Where?

Making sense of todays markets – Manoeuvring through Volatility

In the past year, the Indian financial market has proven its buoyancy. Indices have been soaring; Nifty is up by approximately 55%, while Nifty Midcap and Small cap are up by nearly 80%.We entered the pandemic when the GDP growth was at a 15 year low. The corporate profit to GDP in FY 19-20 was [...]

By |2021-10-01T11:35:02+05:30October 1st, 2021|All, Markets|Comments Off on Making sense of todays markets – Manoeuvring through Volatility
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