
The Indian Woman Investor

One in three Indian women do not invest their money.

– Women & Money Power 2022

Investing means different things to different women. A single mother’s investment strategy should differ from a single woman’s. And, unlike a woman in her forties, a woman in her twenties has the financial resources to take chances. Is there a set age at which women should consider investing? No, not at all. The earlier one starts, the better; this is advice that everybody can benefit from.

55% of Indian women are not making independent financial decisions

A woman’s lack of appropriate money management could be her worst adversary. If women want to achieve financial independence, they must be more comfortable when it comes to investing. This discomfort in money management might stem from a lack of confidence in deciphering the best investment avenues amidst a plethora of financial instruments available today. However, for those really enthusiastic about taking control of their investing path, there are countless forums, platforms, financial advisors, and even female financial thought leaders easily accessible today, offering their due support and financial advice from the grassroots levels in money management.

Only 14% of women use mutual funds as an investment avenue

The lack of women’s presence in this currently male-dominated financial domain leads to assumptions that women in general want less control over their investments or are, in other words, risk-averse. But research proves women spend more time investigating their financial options than men. Women are more likely to take on less risk than males when it comes to investing, but it doesn’t mean they’re risk-averse. Instead, they are more likely than men to take appropriate calculated risks while investing in risky assets.

Banking on their better half

Who better to trust than your partner? It is natural for Indian women to take the assistance of their male partners while making an investment decision. Yes, partnership in a household is crucial and must be given its due. Nevertheless, this should not lead to a total dependency on the male counterpart. Making informed decisions in today’s era through self-learning can be equally empowering and encouraging. Women should start taking tiny steps towards independent financial decisions by setting short-term goals and achieving them. Long-term goals are nothing but a series of short-term goals clubbed together.

Women are typically hesitant to invest because they believe they need to comprehend more in order to make sound investment decisions. They can start by talking openly about money and investing with friends and peers; this is one method to gain confidence. Even if you don’t know everything about mutual funds and stock indexes, discussing them with people you trust can encourage you to invest more.



According to the study, groceries and child education are the top two areas on a woman’s spending list. Women should prioritize financial freedom as the next item on their to-do list. Investing need not be a complex topic riddled with jargon to be shied away from. Begin by investing in a few funds that invest in every stock or bond in a given market segment, then take a reasonable degree of risk in light of your investment objectives and time horizon. Monitor your investment portfolio and watch your corpus grow over time.

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