Smart Investing: The Impact of Mutual Fund Fees on Your Investments

When investing in an Indian mutual fund, you combine your funds with other investors to purchase a diverse portfolio of securities that a mutual fund company manages. As with any service-based business, mutual fund companies charge fees for managing the portfolio, including fund management fees, registrar fees, agent commissions, and marketing expenses. These charges are […]

Debt Mutual Funds in 2023: Tax Changes and Impact on Investors

The Union Budget 2023 brought some significant changes to the taxation of investments in Debt Mutual Funds (DMFs) in India. Earlier for Debt MFs held for over 3 years, investors were liable to be taxed at 20% with indexation benefits. Starting from 1-Apr-2023, incremental investments made in Debt Mutual Funds with less than 35% domestic […]

Retirement Planning: Starting Early is Key for Urban Indians

Have you secured your financial future for retirement? If not, you are probably not alone. A recent India Retirement Index Study revealed that retirement planning is a primary concern for urban Indians, with a staggering 9 in 10 worrying about their savings not lasting through retirement. To make matters worse, only 2 out of 5 […]

How to Choose the Right Mutual Funds: Important Considerations

Investing in mutual funds has become increasingly popular among High Net Worth Individuals (HNIs) and seasoned investors in India. However, with a plethora of mutual fund schemes available, it can be daunting to select the right one. It is essential to understand that choosing the category and the scheme of a mutual fund are two […]

Future-Proofing Your Business & Wealth: Succession Planning with Private Trusts

Are you a business owner or an HNI? Have you ever thought about what would happen to your business if something unexpected were to happen to you? The sudden demise of business giants like Rakesh Jhunjhunwala or even Cyrus Mistry should serve as a wake-up call for all business owners to start thinking seriously about […]

Women in Finance: Driving Financial Inclusion and Empowering Households

Personal finance has long been considered a male-dominated field, but Indian women are breaking through that stereotype and taking control of their financial futures. In a post-pandemic world, a survey by Grow found that approximately 60% of women in the 18 to 25 age group make independent investment decisions. This is a significant shift from […]

The Future of Financial Advisory: Human, AI, or Both?

I asked Chat GPT to, “act as a financial advisor and tell me which investments are apt for me to accrue 5 crore by the time I turn 60.” The response: “As an AI language model, I cannot provide personalized financial advice without knowing your individual financial circumstances and risk profile. However…” and then it […]

NPS: A Viable Investment Avenue for Retirement Planning

In 2020, India was rated 34th out of 39 pension systems in terms of social security coverage. Despite progress, there is still a long road ahead in terms of increasing coverage under private pension arrangements and enhancing the regulatory framework to secure the financial future of more and more workers in the country. We often […]

Balancing short-term paranoia with long-term optimism

“But you need short-term paranoia to keep you alive long enough to exploit long-term optimism.” The quote suggests that having a short-term “paranoia” about money, or being cautious and mindful in managing one’s finances in the present, can help ensure financial stability and security in the long run. This allows individuals to be in a […]

Navigating the 2023 Union Budget: An In-depth Look

The Union Budget 2023 has brought some significant changes that will impact the lives of High Net Worth Individuals (HNIs). In this blog, we will take a closer look at these changes, and share our thoughts on how they could impact you. More Benefits for Higher Earners: Reduced Peak Rate Surcharge The budget has introduced […]

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