Congratulations! You’ve built a substantial investment portfolio, with a healthy allocation towards equities. But as you approach retirement, a natural question arises: should you adjust your investment strategy? The answer, like most things in finance, isn’t a one-size-fits-all. It depends on your individual circumstances, risk tolerance, and long-term goals. This blog delves into alternative investment options for affluent investors looking to diversify beyond equities. We’ll explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of each avenue, helping you make informed decisions for your financial future.

Shifting Gears: Rethinking Equity Exposure

Traditionally, retirement has been synonymous with reducing equity exposure. However, if you have reliable passive income streams that cover your living expenses, then maintaining a significant equity allocation might be suitable. But remember, investment decisions should not solely be based on net worth; your risk tolerance and long-term goals are equally important.

Succession Planning: Investing for Generations

With an eye towards the future, your asset allocation should reflect your evolving risk tolerance. Are you accumulating wealth for your children or grandchildren? Here’s where the traditional retirement model gets an update. Your age becomes less relevant; it’s your beneficiaries’ age that dictates your asset allocation. Younger beneficiaries can handle a higher equity allocation for long-term growth while nearing retirement might call for a more conservative approach.

Exploring Alternative Investment Avenues

While a strong equity allocation has likely fueled your financial success, a well-rounded portfolio seeks diversification beyond traditional stocks and bonds. Now, let’s deep dive into some unique alternative investment avenues that could some unique investment avenues that can elevate your financial strategy, complement your existing equity portfolio and unlock a broader spectrum of growth potential.

Venture Capital (VC): VC offers the potential for high returns, but comes with inherent risks. Understanding the target industry in its entirety is crucial. Consider partnering with experienced VC fund managers if you lack specific knowledge. Remember, VC requires active monitoring as complacency can creep into startups. Additionally, be aware of regulatory uncertainties in some sectors, like what recently occurred with the real-money gaming industry and its revised GST norms.

Private Equity Funds (PE): PE focuses on established businesses with proven track records. The idea is to identify companies with underutilized potential. However, existing management teams might be resistant to change. Mature companies can fall into established routines and resist implementing new strategies or operational improvements suggested by PE firms. Additionally, the PE takeover process can lead to changes in leadership or company culture, potentially causing key employees to leave. These affect the overall growth of the company as may have been projected before the takeover.

Structured Products: These products aim to provide capital protection (similar to bonds) with potential equity-like upside. However, complexity and hidden fees are common. Exit strategies can be restrictive, and the issuing entities might be non-banking financial companies (NBFCs), introducing additional risks. Additionally, tax implications can be less favourable than long-term capital gains from equities.


Alternative investments are not a replacement for a well-diversified portfolio but rather a way to enhance it. Conduct thorough research and due diligence before investing in any alternative asset class. Seek professional guidance from qualified financial advisors to understand the complexities involved. You can create an investment plan that will continue to produce wealth for you and your future generations by carefully evaluating your objectives, risk tolerance, and these alternative options.