Tax Saving with Gifts
India is a country predominantly recognized for its cultural diversity, customs, and religions. It is a commonplace to find close knitted families that celebrate numerous occasions wherein gifts are exchanged as a symbol of love and affection. At times, gifting can also become a legalized part of your tax planning to reduce tax liability significantly. […]

Quality of the portfolio suffers due to over diversification
Over diversification is an aspect of portfolio building where investors usually end up adding an unnecessary number of stocks and/or mutual funds. An excessively diversified portfolio is invested in so many different vehicles or so many different asset classes that it limits the possibility of higher gains for no additional reduction in the levels of […]

Importance of Focus in Investment
Life is like camera focus on what’s important & you’ll capture it perfectly!!!! Focus in life will keep you motivated & help you with a clear sense of purpose .Focus helps you grab onto your goals with ferocity. Focus is persistent & stubborn it won’t let go until the goal is achieved. Say if you […]

Similar Strategies between Investment Planning and Football
“The game of investing is a lot like football. You have to tackle your problems, block your fears and score your points when you get the opportunity.” Along the lines of this quote, this article aims at drawing parallels in terms of strategies, from the fields of investment and the ‘beautiful game’, football. Tactical analysis […]
“Choices” are a boon or a bane
While we celebrate modern times with all its “choices”, think for a moment whether “choices” are a boon or a bane. While “choices” have given us variety, “choices” have also made our mind to go numb. It has been experimentally proven that too much of choice makes our mind exhausted. Think of the television channels […]