Money Lessons from Lord Ganesha

Money Lessons from Lord Ganesha

Lord Ganesha is hailed as the symbol of prosperity, knowledge, wisdom and destroyer of obstacles. People seek his blessings in times of happiness and uncertainty alike. Through his many forms, he teaches us valuable lessons. There is a lot to take as inspiration and learn from Lord Ganesh, especially when it comes to managing finances. […]

Lessons to Learn from the Equity Market

Lessons to Learn from Equity Markets

The stock market may be considered one of the greatest teachers of life. It goes beyond a marketplace for making material gains; rather it dwells deep in enrooting the meaning of success and failure in one’s life. When one starts investing in the equity market, one comprehends that persistence and dedication beat greed and impatience […]


Financial independence and its underlying connotations

We know that we have to take some drastic steps to achieve financial independence. Though the technical definition is being independent of a regular monthly salary to fulfil our financial needs, the term “financial independence” may have some underlying connotations that you need to know in order to understand what it means to you as […]

financial independence

What financial independence really means

Independence, by definition, is the ability to live by your own terms and conditions, take your own decisions and control your life the way you want. While there are many factors that can make this happen, financial independence is definitely paramount. What financial independence really means is that you don’t have to solely rely on […]


Freedom from Debt

“Some debts are fun when you are acquiring them, but none are fun when you set about retiring them.” – Ogden Nash. When debt is managed well, it is a stepping stone that enables us to improve our life and financially accomplish our goals. If not, debt can become a hurdle and hinder our progress rather allowing […]

Thinking Man Quarterly July 2019

There are four kinds of wealth i.e. Social, Physical, Emotional and Financial wealth. For example, a millionaire businessman in a hospitalwill not be able to enjoy financial wealth.So,unless…


Financial Assets vs Physical Assets

Assets are widely known as anything that has value and return generating potential. It represents value of ownership. Investment asset can usually be of two types: Financial assets and Physical assets. Even though they seem similar, they are very different from each other based on their features and characteristics. Financial Assets It refers to assets […]

Money mistake that women make

Women tend to be more conservative in their approach towards financial well-being.  Lack of confidence, financial illiteracy, age old male dominance and scantiness of time has led women to believe that they are inferior to the male counterparts. Here are some of the common mistakes that women make with their money. Not Investing According to […]

time in the market

Is it about time in the market, not timing it | Power of compounding

Time is the essence of life. It is the prime advantage that young people have when it comes to planning for their financial freedom and overall stability. When it comes to wealth creation via investment the amount of time one stays invested in is of principal importance. The sooner you start, larger the corpus you […]

Asset Allocation

In our previous articles, we elaborated the benefits of diversification as well as the perils of over diversification in a portfolio. Essentially, asset allocation is an organized and effective method of diversification.  It is a strategy of dividing the investment portfolio across various asset classes and within an asset class. The basic purpose of asset […]

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Deepa is the driving force behind the success of TBNG Capital Advisors' Bangalore office. With a Certified Financial Planner Certification and MBA degree with 6 years of experience, she expertly manages all the clients in Bangalore single-handedly, leveraging her extensive knowledge and expertise. Her determination and dedication are evident in her commitment to turning her clients' dreams into reality. By thoroughly understanding their goals and working collaboratively, Deepa ensures that each client's financial journey is smooth and successful. Her exceptional client-advisor relationships are built on trust and confidence, with clients valuing her advice and recommendations. Beyond her professional achievements, Deepa is a fun-loving individual who practices yoga daily, bringing discipline and balance to her work. Her holistic approach to life and work makes her an invaluable asset to TBNG Capital Advisors and a trusted partner for her clients.